2021; Mixed Media Light Sculpture (acrylic sheet, mirrored film, diffusion film, arduino, led lights, hacked baby nightlight, vellum, metal frame)
“Untitled” (Technology/Transformation)”
2019; Mixed-media kinetic sculpture (3D printed resin, found object, mirrored acrylic).
“Untitled (Tether)”
2017; Mixed-media Interactive Installation (3-D printed ceramic, led lights, arduino, laser, wire, and diffusion film, acrylic, mdf, sumi ink, paper)
“Affectionate Device 2 (Part of a Series of Affectionate Devices)”
2017; 3-D printed ceramic, led lights, wire, and diffusion film
“Affectionate Device 1 (Part of a Series of Affectionate Devices)”
2017; 3-D printed ceramic, led lights, wire, and diffusion film
2014, 2015, 2016; Mixed Media Installation